Monday, July 5, 2010


My post yesterday did America absolutely no justice. I really appreciate this country for the many opportunities that are so unique to citizens of the United States. While the other 364 days of the year I have the chance to take these things for granted, the 4th of July is one time that I need to vocalize my gratitude. Here is a (very) condensed list of things that I am so lucky and blessed to have as a result of this great nation. Enjoy photos following the list that accompany my excellent morning with my family and also coincide with some things that I am thankful for.
  • I value the chance I have to get an education. Not that an education is properly mandated by the US government, but America has a respectable education system that has created a reasonably intelligent populace. I love that I don't have to wonder if I could finish high school. It was always right there for me.
  • This is going to sound weird, but as I have been reading Harry Potter, there is this wretched journalist that adheres to no journalistic values. I appreciate that I can say all the things that I want, but that the government understands that there are boundaries. The government tries (in general) to minimize overall restrictions on people but honestly has my best interests at heart. Always.
  • The general freedoms this country affords me occasionally boggle my mind. I can go to whatever church I want. I can own a gun or two. I can not go to whatever church I want. While the remaining freedoms escape me at this point in time, the overarching message here is that I love America. I can't imagine living anywhere else and know that it is a true blessing to be a citizen of this nation.

My cute, redneck family. :)

1 comment:

kendle sue said...

haha... i love your cute little redneck family! :)