Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can It Be?

It's Christmas time. I can't even believe it (even though it's actually the day before Thanksgiving, we're practically there. Haha). My mom has been working on these nifty poinsettia centerpieces for some Relief Society thing, so I thought I might try to capture some Christmas spirited things to get in the mood!



On a completely unrelated note, I got this awesome shirt at Target the other day. It's neat. And artistic, so I guess it works. Haha!



On another completely random note, here is Gary, my little grass haired Chia-thing. Kendle and I got some and we happened to start ours on the same exact day. Her's is named Larry. They're buds - Larry and Gary! I'll post once he gets some real hair - for now it's just those little white fuzzy things.

1 comment:

kendle sue said...

okay. first of all... i am so excited to see how their centerpieces turn out! your mom always has such cute ideas! love love. second of all... cool shirt! you should paint it! :) and third of all... gary is awful cute! im totally loving the little white sprouty things! too cute! and they really do make me smile!