Monday, February 1, 2010

Out West

The desert really is misunderstood by those who haven't ever lived in one... well, ours at least. You can find the most interesting things here. Even after 19 years, it all still amazes me. I think one reason I like it so much is because it is more linear and patterned, as opposed to a tree that has branches going every-which-way. And I do love places with real green vegetation and the randomness that those plants can sometimes bring, but I appreciate the architecture of desert plants as well. Less can really be so much more (although, that fourth picture definitely does not apply here, haha!).







kendle sue said...

i love the desert too... it really is full of beautiful and interesting things!

Kels said...

the desert really is misunderstood! i miss it like crazy! thanks for the pictures! they make me happy!